Channel: Gaming MaNe ASquad
Category: Entertainment
Tags: gamebhoutikভৌতিকbestনতুনভউতিকসত্য গল্পvideokahiniপার্ট১০ টি অভিশপ্ত গেমlifeভিডিওপর্বbhooterভয়ঙ্করbhoyonkorবাস্তবভয়েরgamesbhootঘটনাgolpolatestভূতুড়েnewbhuturehorrorভুতুরেভূতrealতৃতীয়bhooturepart 3awesomeভুতুড়েhauntedভূতুরেভূতেরmomochallengeগল্পকাহিনী10 haunted video gamesকাহিনি
Description: Sonic CD Creepy Music link: ১০ টি অভিশপ্ত গেম তৃতীয় পার্ট This is a video where I have talked about some games, people claim that, they are real life haunted. In this games people experience disturbance and poltergeists in some cases, they claimed. I have talked about games like, Sonic CD, Fortnite, etc. If you are brave enough to watch the video, this is the best video you have ever Watched. The video has been narrated by me, the founder of this awesome channel. I have used Bangla / Bengali Language in this video. This is the Mother tongue of Bangladesh and some places of India, like Calcutta / Kolkata, Asam etc. Though, Asam's Bangla is kinda different. Spoken and Written. However, this is the best channel in this Language and at this genre. Those who watch my videos, know that, my contents are pure masterpiece. Therefore, if you want to enjoy my awesome video content, sit down, calm, grab some popcorn and shut up, then watch :D Enjoy :) Music: My Links: Join my Facebook Group: Like My facebook Page: My Patreon: Watch me on Instagram: Tweet with me here: Subscribe my Main Channel: